Sauerkraut with Carrots and Onions

1 gn. cabbage, sliced thin
4 Carrots, sliced
1 lg onion, sliced
3tbsp sea salt

Put vegetables and salt in a large mixing bowl and mix with your hands. Transfer the salted vegetables to a clean crock. Use a small plate that fits inside the crock. Place a heavy rock on top. Cover the crock with a clean dish towel. Put the crock in the pantry, dry basement, or a dark, cool corner counter of the kitchen.

Check the next day to make sure that the cabbage is covered by its own juice - if not, add more weight. Check again the next day, and if the cabbage is not covered, add more salt. Check the sauerkraut daily. Skim off any mold that forms on top. After 10 days, taste. If the cabbage is sufficiently fermented, refrigerate it in clean jars for up to a year. If not, taste again the next day. Sauerkraut is ready in 10-14 days. If it is too salty, rinse or soak in cool water for a day

From: the Quick and Easy Organic Gourmet, by shareholder Leslie Cerier